In the City of Akron, it is illegal to discriminate in housing on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. A revision to Akron Municipal Code §139.12 added these protections.
LGBTQ+ Protections

Section A(1) of §139.12 of the City of Akron code states: No person shall injure, intimidate or interfere with, “Any person because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, handicap, or ancestry and because that person is or has been selling, purchasing, renting, financing, occupying, contracting, or negotiating for the sale, purchase, rental, financing, or occupation of any dwelling, or applying for or participating in any service, organization, or facility relating to the business of selling or renting housing accommodations.” – Akron Municipal Code §139.12
HUD’s “Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs– Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity” rule found in 24 CFR Parts 5, 200, 203, et al. provides: Requires owners and operators of HUD-assisted housing, or housing whose financing is insured by HUD, to make housing available without regard to the sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.
Prohibits lenders from using sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status as a basis to determine a borrower’s eligibility for FHA-insured mortgage financing.
Prohibits owners and operators of HUD-assisted housing or housing insured by HUD from asking about an applicant or occupant’s sexual orientation, gender identity, and marital status for the purpose of determining eligibility or otherwise making housing available.
Clarifies that all otherwise eligible families, regardless of marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity, will have the opportunity to participate in HUD programs.
Examples of Housing Discrimination
The following are examples of unlawful housing discrimination when committed because of sexual orientation, gender identity, or the other state and federally protected classes:
- Intimidating or harassing tenants
- Refusing to rent, sell or offer housing-related services
- Falsely denying that housing is available
- Treating tenants different when providing repairs or services
- Applying different rules or rental amounts
- Steering people to rent in certain sections of town
- Telling property owners to sell when the character of their neighborhood changes Discriminatory advertising