Because everyone deserves a place to call home.

Fair Housing Contact Service (FHCS) is an independent non-profit agency which provides comprehensive educational opportunities, counseling and support services to people concerned about fair housing in our communities. Fair Housing Contact Service strives to prevent and eliminate housing discrimination and promote equal housing opportunity.

Founded in 1965.

Our Services

Fair Housing Contact Service offers these services free of charge!

Housing Discrimination Assistance

Fair Housing Contact Service investigates claims of housing discrimination and assists clients with filing discrimination complaints. Contact us if you think you’ve been a victim of housing discrimination!

Tenant-Landlord Counseling

We provide free counseling for both tenants and landlords. It is our mission to help prevent problems between tenants and landlords by informing both parties of their rights and responsibilities.

Educational Services

We offer various educational services regarding fair housing, including free workshops for landlords. Our counselors are also available to answer your fair housing questions.

Housing Counseling

Fair Housing Contact Service is a HUD approved housing counseling agency. We provide foreclosure prevention counseling, reverse mortgage counseling, and first-time homebuyer counseling. We also offer free homebuyer education classes.

Promotional video

“We can choose either to walk the high road of human brotherhood or to tread the low road of man’s inhumanity to man.”